Laser Therapy
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
Lao-Tsu (500 B.C – 400 B.C)
The three main benefits of laser therapy are the reduction of inflammation, the reduction of pain, and an increase in the speed of wound healing.
Reduction of inflammation
Laser therapy stimulation stabilizes the cell membrane and the free flow of ions and protons eliminating harmful reactive oxygen species.
Laser therapy stimulates and increases the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), speeding up cellular repair.
Laser therapy stimulates vasodilation of injured tissue by increasing histamine, nitric acid and serotonin production. Vasodilation favors the transport of oxygen and nutrients into the cell and the elimination of toxic waste.
Laser therapy maximizes the activity of scavenger leucocytes to rid the body of dead cells thereby stimulating a rapid regeneration process.
Laser therapy stimulates the production of prostaglandin 2. These have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
Laser therapy diminishes the cytokine interleukin 1 (IL1) which is responsible for the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases.
Laser therapy stimulates the activity of immune Beta Cells and T. lymphocytes.
Laser therapy stimulates the production of nitric oxide and INF-g (interferon gamma) necessary for the repair and regeneration of tissues.
Laser therapy reduces the heat of inflammation.
Laser therapy reduces free radical activity and inflammation by stimulating the production of superoxide dismutase.
Laser therapy diminishes C-reactive protein and other inflammatory agents.
Reduction of pain
Laser therapy increases Beta-endorphins which act quickly to reduce pain.
Laser therapy stimulates the re-polarisation of nerve cells.
Laser therapy stimulates the production of nitric-oxide, and essential neuro-transmitters for a quicker uptake of oxygen by nerve cells.
Laser therapy re-establishes the normal electrical potential of nerve cells from 20 mv (pain) to 70 mv (no pain).
Laser therapy stimulates the regeneration of damaged nerve cells.
Laser therapy reduces the level of bradykinins, and plasma kailkennies responsible for the sensation of pain.
Laser therapy increases acetylcholine which regulates the transmission of nerve signals.
Laser therapy regulates and normalises ion concentration of calcium, sodium, and potassium in all cell membranes and mitochondria.
Promotes wound healing
Laser therapy stimulates the production of lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils, placing the immune system on high alert against any pathogens that may have entered the body through the wound.
Laser therapy stimulates the production of collagen, growth factors as well as phagocytic (scavenging) activity of macrophages.
Laser therapy accelerates the re-vascularisation and re-oxygenation of the cellular endothelium.
Laser therapy increases the number of fibroblasts, and the production of collagen and connective tissue.
Laser therapy increases the number of keratinocytes and also the synthesis of growth factors to produce new tissue.
Laser therapy stimulates the regeneration of epithelial cells, increasing the rate of healing and scar formation thereby reducing the risk of infection.
Laser therapy stimulates five-fold (5x) the increase in-growth factors, DNA synthesis of muscle cells, osteoblasts and epithelial cells.
Laser therapy increases the production of myo-fibroblasts and myo-fibrils precursors of muscle regeneration.
Laser therapy increases the contractile strength of repaired connective and muscle tissue.
N.B: Please google Peer reviewed research demonstrating the effectiveness of low level laser therapy to access 88 scientific peer-reviewed studies on pain reduction, inflammation and tissue repair.